Saturday, May 25, 2024

Hat tip to a current favorite

Since we've just recently passed the 5+ year mark since the last post and 6+ years since regular posting, I thought I should probably make a comment or two. No, definitely not firing up the blades of this again, though I have been turning to wine a bit more lately, since my allergies seem to tolerate it better next day. I had in mind, in the previous post, to update the blog sporadically, but found that once it more or less went on hiatus, that I didn't particularly miss doing it and had no interest in new posts to it. What was there had said all I had in mind to say...or so I thought.

There is one wine in particular that has come out relatively recently (sometime after the previous post on the blog here) that I found merited special commentary. I've had a lot of wonderful sakes, but this entry is from one of the big hitters, the bruisers over at Ménage A' Trois. This particular wine is called Dolce and is an absolute joy to drink. It is light, sweet, slightly effervescent, yet still retaining some of those wonderful red characteristics, just a pleasure through and through, in short, probably my current darling and definitely a favorite to go in the ranks of everything else. I've had enough of it that I wanted to make mention, as it is one of the few, the very few, to be sure, that I will happily indulge in straight from the bottle. It is lighter in alcohol content as well as probably their least expensive entry and while I'm still not really interested in doing an actual review of it, it does bear mentioning in these pages, if not a slight bit of gushing praise. 

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