Friday, December 1, 2017

Issue LVII: Pizzella Malbec Edition

Pizzella Malbec

Ahhh, after some time, quite some time, literally years after inception of the mighty HSC, Argentina has finally made its way of a 2nd entry into the picture and on the list. Now, lest you decide to accuse me of favoritism – and are you? I can’t say the charge wouldn’t be warranted at least somewhat – in the beginning, this was a mountain of wine, if a liquid could form a mountain, so let’s say a veritable flowing river of deep and heady red to begin to get the names that form this grand and glorious list. It was a delicious and fun undertaking and admittedly, I had high hopes for Argentina, after the glorious Navarro Correas, but none of the other wines panned out well enough. 

As to this one, it may sound dumb, but this is the kind of wine that one can sink one’s teeth into and I don’t mean it has meat overtones, but rather it is a full-bodied and rich drink. I caught several hints of flavors, from dark berry to a slight bit of leather to hints of dark chocolate and even a bit of floweriness. In fact, I strongly suspect this may take a few bottles (oh, the horror!) to really get a grasp on things, so possibly this may wind up being the first entry into the HSC I then have to go back and revise. The balance and harmony here are immense yet it still retains a nice degree of refinement and dare I say it (dare, dare!), more than a splash of elegance here.

As for now, it is relatively new to the shelves, so far too new for SPA and I haven’t experienced enough of its wealth of charm to get a full grasp, so not quite a Standard, but a Mixed…albeit a very strong mixed at that. Argentina definitely made its 2nd entry onto the list felt with a blast here.

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