Sunday, February 15, 2015

Issue XX: Sean Minor Cabernet Sauvignon Edition

Sean Minor Cabernet Sauvignon

When I first started on the wine trip years and years ago, I much preferred the lightness and sweetness of a white Zin, for instance, over the big bad brute that Cabs are. Even to this day, my preference is not for the heavier wines, though my wife's preference is perhaps closer to that, so there are not very many of the red Zins or the Cabs showing up here. This heaviness actually precludes much interest from me in Ports, as well.

Skipping back, but less back, to maybe 4 or 5 years ago or so, when she sort of co-opted what was still, for me, mostly a passing interest, aside from a few French favorites (several of which are currently too expensive to appear on this list) that I had on a fairly seldom basis, I happened to be having a discussion with a friend who was heavier into things, having taken a few Napa wine tours and so on and with another friend, who was on the beginning curve to taking his own leap into wine exploration. The gist of this conversation was sort of note-comparing and he pointed me to a California Cab that he had really enjoyed and which was immediately available. By now, you’ve probably guessed it was this one.

One of the things I’ve always disliked about Cabs, in addition to what I’ve always considered their sort of plodding nature in terms of mouth feel, is their rather lengthy air time. A freshly opened Cab is usually a repository of astringency from the high tannins, which rather forces things into not only sips, but small sips. The vast majority of Cabs I’ve had are this way…save this one. This one has less astringency at the gate and smooths out a lot faster. There’s still all the body you could possibly want, but it is never quite to the point of being excessive, such as those other ones seem to be. It’s still a bit more than I usually desire, but it is a very, very good wine and I’ll usually work a bottle in once a quarter or so.

This is another I’ve never seen come up on SPA, same for the Pinot from them, if I remember correctly and the wine itself is too much to try to slug on a regular basis, but at $13 or $14 a bottle, picking one up isn’t exactly going to break the bank either, which puts this as a Mixed.

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